French cuisine is a style of food preparation originating from France that has developed from centuries of social change. Cheese and wine are a major part of the cuisine, playing different roles regionally and nationally.
Meals range from the very basic, such as the traditional baguette plus cheese plus inexpensive wine, to very elaborate affairs than can involve a dozen courses and different wines consumed over several hours. Obviously, the latter type of dining is exceptional for most people. However, it is this more sophisticated dining which is typically found in "French restaurants" outside France, giving many foreigners the mistaken impression that French food is heavy and complicated. In fact, much of the French cuisine is fairly simple, relying on high quality fresh ingredients and loving preparation rather than complex recipes.
French cuisine is extremely diverse and almost all the famous French dishes are regional specialties, some of which have become popular throughout France (such as Coq au Vin and Foie Gras) while others are mainly enjoyed in the regions in which they originate. Although regional specialties are often offered throughout France, the quality of ingredients and preparation is often superior in their region of origin.
Cooking styles
Every region of France has its own distinctive traditions in terms of ingredients and preparation. On top of this, there are three general approaches which compete with each other:
- Classical French cuisine (also known as cuisine bourgeoise in France), including all the classical French dishes which were at one time regional, but are no longer specifically regional. Food is rich and filling, with many dishes using cream-based sauces. Haute cuisine is classical French cuisine taken to its most sophisticated and extreme. Food is elegant, elaborate and generally rich. Meals tend to be heavy, especially due to the use of cream and either large portions or many smaller portions. There is a strong emphasis on presentation (in particular, vegetables tend to be cut with compulsive precision and uniformity). The finest ingredients are used, and the meal is correspondingly expensive.
- Cuisine Nouvelle. This style developed in the 1970s, as a reaction against the classical school of cooking. The food is simpler and lighter. Portions are smaller and less rich; the heavy cream sauces of the classical approach are particularly avoided. Cooking is less elaborate and quicker, with more emphasis on local and seasonal ingredients.
- Cuisine du terroir. This focuses on regional specialities and is somewhat more rustic in nature. Local produce and food traditions are the main focus.
Each of these three traditions is strongly represented in France, with each having its supporters and specialist restaurants. At the moment, Cuisine Nouvelle is less popular than it was, while Cuisine du terroir has grown in popularity in recent years.
Wine and Cheese
Aside from bread and water, the most common accompaniments to a French meal are wine and cheese. Unlike other countries, in France wine is considered a standard part of everyday meals, and is neither expensive nor reserved for special occasions. With everyday meals, ordinary wines are served, although it is expected that the style of wine match the style of food.
In addition to its use in cooking, cheese is often served as a course in itself. In this case, it is served after the main course but before dessert. This typically consists of a platter with three or four different cheeses. Sliced bread is typically provided at the same time.

French Cuisine
Jardin D'olive
A cute little French restaurant with lovely decoration and a nice outdoor patio. Though located in the hustle and bustle of Tianhe District, inside the restaurant is romantic and quiet dining atmosphere where you can enjoy the real French cuisine and wine.
Opening Hours: Mon: 17:00 ~ 22:00; Tue ~ Fri: 10:30 ~ 14:30, 17:0
Cuisines: French Cuisine
La Seine
Directly opposite to the Pearl River and Guangzhou Art Museum, La Seine is a French restaurant, an ideally suitable place for those who like romantic environment while dinner. The restaurant has gained many fans by cultivating French dining culture little by little.
Opening Hours: 11:00 ~ 14:30, 17:00 ~ 22:30 every day
Cuisines: French Cuisine
Les Trois Gros Bistro
Les Trois Gros Bistro with excellent service and atmosphere is a family style French restaurant where the owner does the cooking himself. Though the menu is a bit extensive, best known for its smoked duck brisket, goose liver and French roast coffee.
Opening Hours: 11:00 ~ 00:00 every day
Cuisines: French Cuisine
Alsace Village
Alsace Village is the original idea of Christopher and Rudy. The restaurant with French-style decoration offers various home foods and specialties to Alsatians living in China. They provide weekly set lunch and weekly new course.
Opening Hours: 11:30 ~ 24:00 every day
Cuisines: French Cuisine