Changes of GZ’s Administrative Regions
The territory of Guangzhou is enlarged by merging HuangpuDistrictand Luogang District, and making Conghua city and Zengcheng city become its exclusive districts like Panyu.
The combination of the original Luogang and Huangpu districts forms a new region - Huangpu District, which reaches about 500 sq. km and doesn’t make a difference, while the status change of Conghua and Zengcheng produces a tremendous influence on both their governments and residents
For the residents of Zengcheng and Conghua, they will obtain a series of benefits in this promotion: changing to the household of Guangzhou rather than having the one of their smaller cities, enjoying the better social welfare like education and healthcare from Guangzhou, and a more advanced and convenient transportation, etc.
In addition, the real estate market is the another big change of this merging. Since Zengcheng and Conghua don't impose restrictions on real estate purchase, the price there is considerably lower than the other districts. The latest average purchase price of the houses in those districts issued by the authorities in December 2013 was RMB 15,333 per sq., m, excluding Zengcheng and Conghua. In comparison, the average purchase price of Zengcheng was RMB 8,163 per sq. m, of Conghua RMB 7,727 per sq. m.
To the government, it is a promotion to administrative level, which is important in China for more administrative power and support from the superior government can be expected.